Thursday, December 30, 2010

Movin on

At last the Creator has blessed us with winter. The fall has been so long and we have already reached and passed the shortest day before winter in it's fruy set in. When I put the sheep feeed out lastnight I listened to the weather report and so I put it out behind the barn so the girls would be close to shelter. The temperature was about 50 degrees then and I thought perhaps the weather man would again be wrong. When I went to sleep last night there was a bit of light snow but it was still pretty warm. Alas, this morning the wind is from the east and there are big drifts of snow in the yard. THere isn't a hugs accumulation of snow, but it keeps rearranging itself. What a luxury to stay home today and count my blessings. The girls don't seem to mind the snow, they are on the backyard feedyard playing chase with the bucks and Moses is still bedded down. Was too cold to take photos but would have been a great chance. At last it feels like Christmas.

Forgive me for all my old ugly posts. My life is so much better than is should be and I am thankful. GOd is good.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

what is left

What is left of this strange and uncomfortable life-it never gets more familiar and the cold just seems to set in. My sweet husband is gone now-he rests on the mountain high above me. My old border collie is gone too and only Moses and I carry on-relying on the sheep for entertainment and comic relief. I have been told that I am bitter and mean, and since I have been told that I have become bitter and mean. I am only ready to sign off from life as I can't hear the music now. I JUST DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE. tHE IDEA OF BLOGGINg IS, i THINK AN EXERCISE IN KEEPING A DIARY ANDtherefore keeping track of thoughts to sort them out. THere isn't much to sort out. I miss my husband and I miss my job at the post office and I miss my friends and my family and my dogs and having someone to cry with and laugh with and have coffee with in the morning. I can't breath enough to get far and have to stop and rest often. I can't see future anywhere or the reason for future. Each night I pray for GOd to take me home and get me outta here. Like Hank said, "Minnie, I just don't see the light anymore.".