Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rocky and Dion

Saturday was the day I told my friend Rocky Oneil goodby. I saw him in the Lander hospital about a month ago, and thanked him for saving my life once with a bottle of wine. I was so hung over-back in my drinking day, and working a roping. Raock and Pat and the kids came, and when he saw how sick he was he quickly returned with a bottle of wine-hair of the dog-and the day went from bad to wonderful. That is the only time I ever tried hair of the dog-and I am so glad that I outgrew stuff like that-but it sure did fix me up that morning. ROack and Pat and I have been freinds for years and years-raised our kids together and cussed and cried together. Pat is strong, and she is so blessed with the most beautiful grandchildren in the world. My heart breaks for her as she loved ROcky so much, and knew that he loved her, but she will be okay. I miss Rasty so much when I need a shoulder to cry on-I think that is the hardest part. I have had to tell some good friends goodby since Rasty has been gone, and it is so hard.

Dion called yesterday and we talked for over an hour. The kids are doing so well, and Dion is, and always will be a son to me. Trey will be home for Christmas and is doing okay at West Point-of course he is finding it so much harder that high school but he hads the brain powder to do it and the support of great folks too. I cried when he told me that he thought I was the perfect granny to his kids. I love them all.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

rez fires

The recent rez fires remind me of the year that 300 tons of our hay burned up. The situation was so similar-it was in the fall, October, and there were several neighboring haystack fires-all of them set. At that time the fire marshal determined that it had been set-I called the Sheriffs dept and asked that it was investigated-it never was. The sheriff later wrote me a letter in response to my letter to the commissioners, saying he never knew we had a fire. I certainly hope there is some resolution to these fires.

The class is down to 5 now-but well worth going to. It is better with just a few as we are really becoming comrades-lots of work to do this time. Interestingly, I have a great credit rating-it helps to never use it I guess. Thank heavens for my past-I wonder what the future will hold-as does all of Wall Street. I'm going to Sabrina's teleconference tonight-she is wonderful- it will be fun.

JOe Mc went home-it was a good thing as he suffered with A L S-services Friday and I"ll go to represent Rasty-they rode many trails together and Jennifer is so out of the west-she is a character for sure but has always been so good to me and to Jenny. She is tough as nails and will be fine-and I love her for that. I always remember when she was running barrels, went off on the first barrel, the horse continued the pattern dragging her along by the stirrup and she got up at the finish line-just fine! A few hoof prints decorated her clothes but she didn't miss a step!

They were bowling at the nursing home yesterday-there is a lively group now with some new additions-Mr. Kenton enjoyed it and would kick the beach ball when it came close to make a striker for the other players. Rasty would not play and was not happy-he went to the lounge chair with much help and took a nap. His hands are nearly useless now-I think he is developing contractures from not using them. No signs of recognition in his eyes now-the babbling has become worse but the cuss words still come out loud and clear. WHY???????

THe Jehovas WItnesses came today-they were fun-I nearly didn't let them go as they were company and a nice diversion. Okay-it is back to work. I have my deck looking good-just need to give the ramp one more coat of miniwax and we'll be set.