Thursday, April 10, 2008

Welcome home gingerbread woman.

To say the trip was great just doesn't do it-it was spectacular. Not enough time but it was wonderful. The biggest challenge we faced was getting out of the great state of Wyoming, got 125 miles from home and met with road closures every direction. The next morning, with help from my good friend ( in Florida) we were directed out by way of Utah, and what a relief it was. Found happy people and good food, great sights and sheep too! Love that country and am planning the next trip there already.

Found home in great shape-thanks Hollis, and Rasty was improved as well. Thanks Veronica, for her vigil at the nursing home. The lambs grew while I was gone and nobody missed me but the bum lamb-just because I was the one holding the bottle. I am so lucky to have folks around to lend a hand and do it so well.

The farm ground is plowed, and the beans are on their way. Interesting-we'll see.

Went to a wake for a reservation friend, a quiet and sickly fellow, but so very kind. I was struck by how much older all my friends looked-it has been so long since I have seen some of them, and the time has taken it's toll on them. In a place where the average life span is so much shorter than the norm, it seems to be visible by the day. How very sad. My friend was 40-same age as my daughter. He will be missed. THe hardest thing to happen would be to outlive one of your children and his folks were taking it hard.


Perfumes said...

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daughter of the wind said...

Thanks prefume-glad you came to visit. I couldn't find your blog-sorry. Hugs back.