Tuesday, January 22, 2008

They lit up my life

THe electricians , those mythical fellows, showed up in a snowstorom and did a beautiful job to light up my barn. I quickly put dam canvas in the windows to stop the drafts that had been coming in and we were set. They worked tirelessly in the snow to get me going. THat was Thursday. Sunday morning I went to the barn and turned on the lights only to find that they flickered and died. I checked the breakers and they were off-flipped them only to have them go off again. Oops. I called them yesterday-they came again when it was so very cold, and got me going again. Hurrah! I am done lambing for awhile (I think) and so glad as it is so cold that my wondows are frosted over and I can't see the thermometer. THe nice man in the radio said it was 30 below at his house this morning-brrr!

TO go with the cold we had new snow, so I stayed home on Sunday-just tended my livestock. Yesterday morning Mia and Rachel checked on my and came for coffee. They helped my dig out my barn and Mia said he would help me load hay today. The bales from GUys are so heavy-I am strong but just can hardly life to 3rd cutting. Mia can load the truck for me with several days feed and I'll be set for awhile. Dode and Bridgett came to visit, just bringing cheer and kindness and we ventured out to the barn to see the lambs. Most are turned out but my churro girls-all with black ewe lambs-are still in the nursery and so cute. Perhaps I'll dock them tomorrow if it isn't too cold and turn them out as well. Pat called and visited me a bit-said he wouldn't go to visit his father-these tough cowboys wimp out pretty easy. I let that one be, but did tell him he better go see his son and be a father to him. We'll see-at any rate, he was nice to call and nice to me as well. Guy, Janet and Hollis must be busy at home-nothing from that corner for awhile. WOnder how the trapping is going. I missed the coyotes again.

Had to cancel my wool listing on eb ay as the wool is snowed in the shop and the drifts won't let me get there-what a winter. Looking forward to spring in a big way now-surely it won't be long.

Saturday I went with Lynda and Polly to look at a horse for them-she was a pretty little paint mare, but spoiled and crooked in back. Told Polly she wouldn't work cause I know Polly would never make her mind and the mare would have the upper hand and keep it. I must find them an old gelding from a ranch-sure don't want to get them hurt. The girls are so kind to me, and we topped off the day with Chineese-it was fun.

Today is senoir Tuesday so I'll try to get the car started and venture off to town, visit my partner and collect my $5.00 for Deadwood. Then again, we may stay and play as we have $10.00 total to play with now-why not!

I think of a etching that said-even in the darkest of winter a tiny bit of spring lives in me-hurry spring!

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