Monday, July 28, 2008

my new old prefession

Last time I tried this It just didn't work-we'll try again. My new old profession is a hooker-yes- a hooker. I've been hooking the saddle pads, at least learning how. My pad just looked tacky- really bad. I looked closely at the beautiful one that my instructor Anita took to fair and figured out some of what I have been doing wrong. Excited, I got home and tried it again and YES! It works and looks better. Her roving has a little Churro wool in it-enough to make thee wool shinny, and mine has no CHurro-as I haven't taken my Churro over to the mill yet. Need to do that-she is a master-can't believe how even and perfect her stitches are. She truly is an artisan-and such a kind person.
Had a fun lunch with Norma, Lynda, Polly, Skip, and Charles Saturday at the Red Willow cafe, in the casino, The special was prime sand, and they were to die for. We all had the same thing, and our pretty and sweet waitress made it too much fun. We were happy to find they are open for lunch-thinking it was just evenings, and it was not more expensive than anywhere else for a great feed. We'll try that again one day. The time flew by, and we just spent most of it chewing and laughing.

Plans are looking great for our booth at the casino-Annette and her son have joined me so we will have her star quilts and carvings by her son as well as quill work bracelets and feathers from Minnesota and beadwork.

This week I'm going to Thermopolis to check out their alz facility-much more staff to client ratio, brand new facility, and 800 a month less in dollars. We may make this move-I think I am the only visitor, and 800 can buy a lot of gasoline. I love the staff here, there just aren't enough of them. They talk a great line, but just don't have the staff to complete things. My partner is going slowly and so I need to figure for the long haul-no shelter of assets as even what is mine is his I am told. Visits will be less often, but he won't notice and I may be able to accomplish more at home as well. He is forgotten except for me and baby boy Pat, who is going to move down south to work for the winter. It is the thing to do I think.

So nice to look on a green world-thank heaven for the moisture.

Monday, July 21, 2008

wonderful visit

Sunday brought a great surprise. My old, and I mean old friend came to say hi. Virginia Sutter is one of those heriones of mine. She was elected to the Northern Arapahoe Tribal Council not once, but twice. SHe served never. Every time she got elected she got ousted the same, or nearly the same day. She is just too wise forher own good. How could she daare to suggest that all tribal pay advances be paid up, that all tribal travel be canceled and that all personal tribal loans be paid up? She could probably run the rez in the black and do a good job. SHe was quick to forgive personal errors, but also quick to give criticism. There were times when hher life was in jepordy, and she left at the right time. Since then she has been getting western tribes health programs up and going, now working in Nevada with a rehab center. So good to visit her, her sister and daughter and know they are doing well. I value her friendship and wish I could see more of her. I've known her for 35 years, and she isn't a bit older than she ever was. Her kids are nearly as old as I am and she looks 60. We talked about the Sun Dance and the kids. Later I went up to the Sun Dance Grounds and visited for a bit,. It was quiet so I came home, and didn't return. At sunset I went outside and smelled the cedar and the sage-it was resstful and peaceful.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


In times of laziness, I read the "next blog" and find it fun to be invited into other lives. Sometimes they are even in English. Just had to laugh, one woman talks about "he who must be obeyed" in her blog. Back to my previous post about relationships-where do you guess this one is? I am now "she who obeys no one."


A ha-yes. There are a few heroines in the west-they are my inspiration. Of course, there are Lynda and Polly. They are so brave, not afraid to be who they are and not afraid to show the world that they are what they are. Their relationship is to be despised by some, desired by others. Never have I seen a marriage that is as good as theirs, a relationship where the two really care for the others feelings above all else, their sole purpose in living is to provide help, solace and support for the other. The life they lead is one of giving, loving and helping for others as well, and they are so kind. I can see the drumstick of the chicken gone uneaten, for each would wait for the other one to eat it. To visit them is to visit one person with two separate mouths-they tell a story in pieces, each taking a turn, swapping off till they finially get done-bouncing it back and fourth like a giant ball till it finially rolls away. Watching them work is more fun-one person with four hands-Polly the tiniest but using all she has, Lynda the stronger, always wearing a smile. They put a face on the "gay rights" for me, and I am thankful that they did for I must believe they are a match made in heaven. I am so thankful for them both, and so proud to call them my friends.

Friday, July 18, 2008


My heroes have not always been cowboys. I have known too many cowboys too well for that-cowboys use the cover to be egotists, to be less than thoughtful and to be cruel to others at times. It is often the case that a cowboy just doesn't think it-not that he just won't say it. My heroes are all too human to be cowboys. I am often lonesome for my heroes as many have vanished for various reasons. . MY telephone time is sometimes spent with Dion-super dad and super guy. Life dealt him a tough blow and forced his early retirement-Shannon had to pick up the pieces for the family finances and she does a great job. Dion was then Mr. Mom, running the bus lines for his kids to and from and the kids nave never missed out on anything. First born son just entered the West Point Academy, and Dion is lost without him, but he will be okay.

Father Apel is a big time hero. Mostly because he cries, and we used to cry together-for the reservation, for the lost ones, and even for the good ones. St.Louis is his home now, and he still seeks solace here when he can but has lots of health concerns as well. I miss you Father John.

Father Mendez is perhaps my favorite hero-because although he wears the cloth he is so wonderfully human as well. My post office days often started with coffee with Richard-his wife Jo was cream on the coffee occasionally. He is in Randolett Utah now, loves it and they love him there. He was too kind and gentle for this reservation.

Jack Coppock was a hero-one to talk to and visit with-we didn't get to do it often, but it was always fun. He is waiting in Heaven now for the next big visit-joining his first wife and child-leaving his second wife and three children.

Gene Goggles is a hero-always fun. He will never forgive a certain neighbor who he used to ride the school bus with as a child and lots of the fun he has is taunting that neighbor. The rest of the fun he has is babysitting and loving his grandchildren. Looses his tough guy image completely when he has a pretty baby attached to each hand-and a big grin on his face.

Hollis is my hero-taking what life hands him and going on in stride. He is eager to be a good guy and takes time for me-I don't know who to compensate him but I tell him I love him. That will have to do for now.

Heroes are kind, thoughtful, and sometimes angered but forgiving. Heroes are human. Heroes are patient and brave, kind and love children, dogs and usually chocolate. I try hard to ask nothing from them more than an occasional ear, and hope to be able to lend one to them if they need it- swapping stories -enjoying each others company. My heroes are not always strong, and sometimes they fall down too-sometimes they make me think they need help so I will feel good about helping them-like they have helped me.

The biggest thing about my heroes is that one day, for any given reason, I might not see them again. One of us might get hit by a mack truck and splattered all over the highway-so I tell my heroes that I love them. I want them to know. It means nothing more than that. I am in love with very few people, but I love many people. Its called living, loving and learning. Next time we'll do heroines- both of them!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Huge Reward

There are diamond days and there are stone days, and I had a diamond day. I dutifully go to the nursing home, looking to see if my partner is "home". He isn't, but I make him listen to all the news on the home front-the sheep, the beans, the friends and the kids anyway. The staff is so good to me, they are my new social life and I value them greatly. This weekend I trotted in to find my partner just getting set at the dinner table. The sweet c n a's said- "here is your wife. Can you give her a kiss? Do you love her?" The biggest grin came over his face, and he gave me a smooch and said "Yes! I always did!" He never would have said anything like that back when he was "home" but it was such a joy and all of us were crying. Thanks my love. It was nice. I always did too.

While the outside remains too big and too remote, the inside is slowly getting taken care of. Not much progress or much hurry, but basically my giveadamn is broke.

On the good news front, Sun Dance is beginning and I am going-my superhero family, the Redman family gave the invite and I am ready.

The Belarus small tractor is going tomorrow to a nice guy in Evanston. The tires are getting burned off it today cultivating beans. We were so proud when we got it and had so many things to do with it-none got done but maybe it's new owner will get lots done and enjoy it. I hope so.

Got some fair entries in yesterday-beadwork and wool-it is always fun to see what everyone comes up with and will help my sales if I snag a ribbon or two. I made a shawl for fair and used Ben Franklin yarn for it but did some fancy stitches. I got ready to enter it and found that it had to be made of 60% natural fibre-this was all acrylic-oops. My yarn isn't here from the mill yet-rats! It is okay- Shelly's new grand baby will need it so it's off in the mail.