Tuesday, December 11, 2007

nine lives

I killed the cat. I did, I killed the cat. He was in obvious distress, and I had been putting off the trip to the vet, knowing how fearful he is when he is traveling-hating to take him for that one last ride. I went to the old ice box where I have as many vet supplies as the vet does, knowing that I had what it would take to kill the cat. I called my old friend who worked for vets for years, she agreed that I did have what it takes,, about 4 times what it takes to kill the cat the 18 year old, skinny, scrawny cat. I said my prayers, grabbed the cat and administered what I thought would be the final dose-everything went well, he didn't even wince and went to sleep in about 2 minutes. Greatly relieved, I gently stroked him and told the Creator to take him to where the mice went so he would be happy. I stroked him, and I stroked him, and he slept and slept and slept. Well, I could understand it, I needed to tell him that it was okay for him to "go home", that I could manage without him in my bed at night-in the middle of my bed at night. So I told him. And he slept and he slept. So I knew that he wouldn't go if I was watching, so I left him alone-came back-still he was sleeping. I looked at the clock, knowing my friend would be asleep I just grabbed the syringe and again administered a fatal dose. He slept and he slept. The third time was the charm-but now I know that cats really do have nine lives. He was a great cat, never bothering and always maintaining his pride. A wonderful, loving and happy addition to our household, and he is missed. I hated killing him, but I am glad that he has gone home and he suffered no pain in the process and no fear as well. Strangely, in the last seconds of his life, his hair stood on end and was electrically charged-his spirit leaving. I have seen people die and never witnessed the spirit leaving but I could see it go when Beauty went home.

The sheep have been so beautiful- they came to the yard today to eat the old corn stalks after they had munched their hay. How restful and relaxing it was to stand out on the deck and hear their bells softly ringing as they moved slowly along. They are starting to look lamby and I need to get some work done. Called my friend Mia today and he will help when he can. I trapped Hollis for a few minutes today- I asked him to bring the mail when he checked traps, and he said he was going to come and get firewood anyway so while he was here I quickly loaded my hay for morning, put the sheep in the corral, then put out tomorrows hay so all I have to do in the morning is open the gate. With any luck I can keep ahead of the game-Rasty just can't be left when he is awake-today he squeezed out the strawberry jelly in about 60 seconds-all the jelly. He is into rearranging furniture now, but generally sleeping more-just not sleeping when I want him to sleep. I am glad I still have the sheep-they are no problem-they are my joy. Just doing them justice is the problem, but they are good girls and should be easy lambers. THe barn is toasty when they are in it, and last year I only had to pull one lamb and I spend all my spare time praying now days so should be fine.
My friend from Jackson called, and for the 10th year is bringing goodies to Ethete for Christmas. She is a walking wonder and it was great to hear her voice. Hope I can get to see her.
Life is good. I really do miss the cat.

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