Sunday, February 17, 2008

so much to say-so little time

I think of Peanuts and the Dear Diary-or was that Little LULU? At any rate, the days have gone by and things are getting to seem normal on the home front. I have been living in a pig pen-not taking the time to pick up or clean-the kitchen floor was a combination of sheep barn and dust-quills all over the counters and the stove. Polly and Lynda called Friday night to say they were coming to visit on Saturday-OOPS! thE WHITE TORNADO CAME AND BOY DID i GET A LOT DONE-THE KITCHEN SCRUBBED, THE BATHROOMS, THE CARPET, WASHED THE WINDOWS AND even cleaned the ice box. I put a pot of beans on with the ham bone left from the Antelopes and I felt so good. THey came with pizza as well and we visited and they, of course, visited the sheep as well. They brought Bobbi, I was so glad as she doesn't travel as a rule, but she had a big smile and a great camera for pictures. The wind was furious, and she sheep were shy-as even the Llamas were shy, but we had fun. I was happ[y to have a clean house, and have been good at keeping it that way all day today. Company was just what I needed. The only difficult time was when we all sat at the table to eat-no one wanting to take the "Rasty seat"-perfectly understandable, of course. As quick as they left I took a nap-exhausted but happy.

Today I went to the nursing home as I hadn't been there since Wednesday. Polly went Friday. Rasty needed a haircut and I had decided to try it as I have cut his hair for 22 years now and he always sat so still and good for me. He was sleeping in his bed, and too tired to wake up. I decided I would go eat lunch and come back to help him with his lunch later, and when I came back he was still sleeping, in Mr. Shorts room, and I sat with him on the bed and visited him. He had refused lunch and was just so tired. One of the nurses came in and helped me get him to the dining room and I fed him a little, but he refused to eat much. He has gotten extremely thin and is not swallowing his food but "pocketing " it-like a chipmunk. Not good signs, but part of the process. At any rate, I did get his hair cut-a bad job-but it is cut-three days will help-it always does help a bad cut. I got a smile before I left, and an "I love you"-worth it all.

Spring keeps staying around the corner-the winds have been cold and the drifts are still big-but it will happen one day. Next week is regional basketball and I"m going-it will be fun. Go Cheifs!

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