Friday, February 29, 2008

We'll try the new post one more time

DIdn't get off the ground last time I tried to post-we'll try again. At the Riverton hospital once again, dehydration and pneumonia, as well as whatever that new bug is that everyone has in hospitals and nursing homes. As it is, we are in quarantine (I don't know how to spell that) but it means gowns and gloves. My partner is unable to get up and out of bed, but able only to cuss and fight at top speed. The nurses all ask what he used to do before he got sick-part of me wants to tell them that he was a Baptist preacher-a state senator, had his own radio talk show where he diagnosed peoples sex problems- a florist-I can think of all sorts of responses to the question. I say-rancher and they say-GIvens-oh yes- Britt's dad?

I've been at odds with everyone for poor care, and in some cases too much care, and have decided the only way to handle it is to wait till he gets dismissed from the hospital and get set up to do hospice at the house. His good doctor is only on staff at the nursing home and the Lander Hospital and we are at RIverton with a Mexican doctor who is 21 and gave me a 3 minute crash course on the disease-yeah-right. She quickly explained to me that he could last 1-2 years as his heart is strong- but he has basically quit eating-will take a few bites only to spit or blow the food out after that. Hospice promises help and I have two ladies who are also agreeable to help-our little educated doctor can't seem to see the hand righting on the wall or refuses to look. Hospice has told me that the thing to say is "comfort care only"but at that point the hospital will refuse service and discharge immediately. dr. MIller is on board with me and my plans and will discharge from the nursing home to our house when I am ready. Hollis has promised to help with the sheep-which are low care now-and I left a sign-up sheet at the hospital for the kids (yeah-right). Janet has pledged her support but only to help me, not to help with her father-in-law- and I respect that and I am in agreement with it. SHe loves him dearly and I don't want her to have to see him in that light. THis is the only kind way I see to come to the inevitable natural course of the disease and without a doubt he is ready.

Ethete ball players are at state tourney-"last one to leave Ethete turn out the lights" but both boy's and girls lost their games yesterday so a few might stay home this time. Looks like it is Wind River this year-that would be nice for a great ball team.

I had a good visit with the granny of the little boy in Riverton who needs a liver transplant-they are looking at a 5 year waiting list. SHe told me Tianna was her hero and I must call Josie and get them together-it would be fun and Tianna could help the little boy just with her smile.

Shy came through-Moses is proud. I'll put in photos next time. GOd is good!

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