Tuesday, November 20, 2007

and we still have our humor

Just to show you how good we are-this morning was met with disaster as far as the cat was concerned. Another hit was taken to the cat box, the back porch, behind both bathroom doors and the waste paper basket in the bathroom. Found it somewhat disconcerting, as I had mopped the floors late last night to have a clean house when Sweet Sally came today. Well, now for the humor. As I was picking up my partners room I had to laugh out loud-yes, out loud. In a heap on the floor was a prayer shawl that was a gift from one of the daughters. At the time I had thought-yes-that will really help. It will see that the ironing is done, the toilets cleaned, the supper cooked-yes-this will do the trick. As a matter of fact, as I picked it up I noticed that it felt quite chilly, a little heavy and had a recognizable odor to it. Forgive me Lord, but I laughed out loud.

MY Sally day was a lifesaver. For the first time I could go slowly from errand to errand, and enjoy shopping and visiting. I saw my friend at social security, a good man with a kind heart and strong family ties. He was only somewhat helpful, but sent me to senior citizens where I found a wonderful nurse who has worked at Morning Star Manor in the past. She was so helpful, and so understanding. She suggested that I paint the toilet seats black so my partner can see them-but what about the prayer shawl- I didn't ask. She also felt that the time had come, and we parted with a big hug and she felt she had helped me, and I knew she had helped me. My next step is to contact the Morning Star, then the doctor-who is also the nurses doctor. I got two books from the library-Elder Rage and The 36 hour day-both highly recommended and will try to read them as I can. I'm going to do a Christmas letter to the kids and recommend the books to the kids, but I'm not saying what I have planned yet-we'll wait to see what availability is. At this point my partner has no idea who he is, who I am or where we are. I don't see how it can matter now, sadly.

Hollis and Will were here for dinner-what a joy it was. They chit chatted about trapping, trips and people they both knew-a lively exchange and I was so glad Hollis let me feed him-that never happens. Will is a sure bet for supper if he is working here, and the deck is nearly done, but tonight it is getting snowed on. I told Rasty we would have to think of things for Will to help us with after the deck is done just to keep him around for company. He is good to Rasty and tries to involve him in the conversation.

Guy sent two loads of third cutting hay to me for lambing-oh boy! It is nice hay and we will put it in the barn a little at a time as needed. That will probably work best. The sheep are looking pretty heavy and it won't be long now. I can hardly wait.

Well looks like Steve got outta here just in time as it is winter now. The snow is flying and the temperature has dropped-ouchy cold. Tomorrow it is long johns at our house. We will sit quite for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year but I am going to decorate the deck with boughs of holly-or-something!

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