Sunday, November 11, 2007

Big and Beautiful Day

Where to start- THe night before was a no sleep night-partner up and down and I finially gave up on sleep about 5 a.m. and opted to stay up and see the sunrise. Guy Janet and Steve were bringing dinner-that much I knew and I was looking forward to it, and Rasty was too when I reminded him about it. The day started off slowly, and we got shower and shave done and the chores. We just went oh so slowly and quiet and then WOW! The great crew arrived to work on the deck and ramp. Veronica, the boys and Will came with smiles on faces and tools in hand. They got started and we got Rasty outside to help. Veronica is so good with her "dad"-having lost both her parents she understands the value of old folks, and as an elementary teacher, she is just wonderful showing and telling and making all well with Rasty. SHe gathered him up and they were building the deck. I loved it. Will is a man pf few words but many smiles and a kind heart like Veronicaa-they are good together and he is so good with her boys. It was great to see everyone happy and working together. Steve and Guy and Janet were bringing supper, and Steve had called to see if the builders were here earlier and I had said no-I called and he laughed and said-"the more the merrier"-part of what I love about him! He brought the entire oriental Palace to our house, and Janet and Guy probvided desert and the party was on. Steve made me believe that I had sneaked my birthday by him-not so! He is the most thoughtful gift giver, and replaced my Martha Stweart grilling kit with great tools-we laughed and giggeled. I even have a tool belt and new tape measure, along with a brand new needle nosed pliars-not not to worry-I now have a complete new nice barbeque set of tools that would put even Martha Stewart to shame-ablolute shame. The chain on our gate, which seems to grow shorter every time it is opened and closed, not has three-count em-three new links on it-thanks again Steve. Soon all were full and happy and Rasty was ready to "hit the sack"-but he didn't know where the sack was" we disbanded. As I looked around the kitchen, which Janet had cleaned up for me, I saw it. Remimded me of the geenie who comes, does good deeds and then is gone with only the hat left and a tiny puff of smoke-

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