Saturday, November 17, 2007


Well,,,,,I was relieved to know that there are absolutely no prostate problems at our house, noticed a good solid stream happening at the foot of my bed about 3 this morning. Jessie was less than pleased, and left to find rest elsewhere. This alzheimer stuff is not for sissies! Had a nice visit with Polly yesterday, who stopped for a few minutes, and then a visit with Steve before his departure to Florida. The Arapahoes never say goodby-just "later" and we are looking forward to his great blogs and seeing him in the spring. He brought me a survival kit that contained all the necessary ingredients, even honoring my lass than tasteful request-didn't know it came in a bottle that big-but it will be a lifesaver when I do need it. Thank you Steve, and may your winter be blessed with all the good things you and Buster deserve.

First born daughter stopped by Thursday, and it was nice to see her dad and her sitting on the couch side by side. I never realized how much they look alike till then. They enjoyed each other-and it was good.

THE deck is nearly finished, and Steve and Rasty had a good laugh over showing the deck off. I just wish it was May instead of November, but the days have been warm and already I have gone out there for a few minutes rest from the monotony and I can check on my partner from the window. He will enjoy it as well, and it will have a door on it so he can't wander off. The best part of the deck has been visiting with Will while he is building it-he is a dear soul, and an old soul with much wisdom for his age. He has been great with Rasty, who has "helped" every day that Will has weorked. I love to call him my son-in-law and brag on him-he deserves it.

Sweet Sally will come for me on Tuesday as she is busy on Wednesday. I have no plans but a shoping spree at WalMart-that would be great. I want to get Christmas lights to put on the deck and some new shirts for my partner, who has gotten a tiny tummy.

Often times I think of my dad and how easy he was to care for, how he was never cross and cranky and how hard he tried to stay with us even though he felt so bad. He cared for my mother all by himself for years, and she was always mean and snyde to him, and he never complained. I am feeling so much guilt for not being able to help him with her, as the miles separated us then. He was a trooper and I hope he is enjoying his rewards now.

Friend Norma is taking her husband to Sheridan today to the home there. She tried as long as she could to care for him, but now a broken arm has her unable to keep up. She has a week respite care for him there, and I hope they will just make room for him permanently as she is exhausted and loosing heart. THis is not for sissies, and she is no sissy but it has taken it's tole.

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