Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Give me one more chance-I wanna dance the dance!

One more day-a short night but so far a great day! My partner decided he would not go to bed, and slept dressed in the chair. I didn't dare go to bed for fear he would run off if he awoke as he was looking for somewhere to go when he went to sleep. Finially got him to bed and 1:30 and did the same myself. He was up at 6 looking for the way back to his room from the bathroom, I put him there and he was good till 7:30-gave me time to haul hay and have a shower! Hurrah!

Yesterday was a day of many mysteries-how to start the pickup, the car, the t v magic wand, anything else that he could lay his hands on. Poor thing.

My bright spots were seeing my friend Steve, who filled out freezer with delightful goodies, and gave me much needed help with the llama. Called Polly and Lynda for a short visit-hope to have coffee with Lynda today if the nice llady shows up. Steve has volunteered for backup, and I have Guy on call as well-I am looking forward to my getaway counting the minutes.

MY Partner is calm this morning, and seems to be happy-hope it keeps going.

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