Thursday, October 25, 2007

my jeans

Never have I considered myself fussy-you can drink from my coffee cup, steal my pocket knife and gloves and even pee on the bathroom floor-but stay out of my jeans! Last night I left my jeans on the shower rod to dry and this morning my mate was in my jeans-and a pair of his as well. That has happened before, so when I go to bed I hide my pair that I take off. 5:30 in the morning there he was-getting into my jeans and I came untrained. By 7 I got him out of both pairs and back to bed, for about 15 minutes and I successfully hid the jeans. He retaliated by not going outside to help with anything and said "no" to every and any thing I asked him. I don't blame him. There was a day when I wished he would get into my jeans, and I can still remember it. MY how things change.

Guy came and got the horses in the 15 minutes that his dad was down-I am glad they are gone, and it wasn't noticed at all. It was a "Sally day"-hurrah-except for the construction that took 45 minutes longer for her to get here, and 45 minutes longer for me to get home. I had to run from errand to errand but it was a joy and I had lunch with an old girlfriend whose husband has Alzheimer's and Parkinson's as well-her life is really hard and getting harder by the day. We shopped and got her a lock for her door as he ran to Kmart at 5 a.m. two mornings ago-the manager called her to come and get him and she didn't know yet that he had escaped. He still drives but frequently gets lost.

Dode came for a great visit-he is so happy and it is wonderful to see. I am thankful he has found a partner-and such a nice one with a nice family. Father Apel also came to visit from Colorado-one of the truly most fine people that has hit the planet. He is between jobs and resting-much needed rest. Left us to visit Lydia Harris at Diversion Dam. She too is a Jewel. All in all we had a great day, but my partner never improved his mood and refused to help with the sheep tonight. When I get back into the house he had eaten half the box of hamburger helper sauce out of the envelope and was wearing the other half on his shirt and jeans (yes-his jeans).

TOmorrow is the sheep sale and Guy will take some of my "expendables" to the sale for me-I'll cut down on the oddfellows and go for a lamb crop instead with year. Don't look for much of a sale at Riverton, but I do have some nice lambs and some very, very big wethers-we'll see.

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