Saturday, October 6, 2007

Once again-here we go again. Relieved, I have figured out the cause of my partners problems of rage. He has, after 65 years of chewing, forgotten that he chews. We are now going through the withdrawl-called the alz association, who hung up on me the first time-called again and they had no clue how long the symptoms would last or what else to look for while the body is detoxing. So looks like I will be able to write the book on it if we both make it through this one. Hang on Nellie!

MamaLama will be home from the vet today-they are doing well, but the vet suggests one year off for her. Okay. Big black clouds in a high sky this morning-yesterdays clouds held no moisture for us, but the hay still isn't stacked so I wish it could hold off till Monday-then let it happen!

Help will be here on Wednesday afternoon for 4 hours-I am deciding which way to travel-with business day in Lander having the top slot so far. Next week-hair doo!

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