Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

YES! Partner woke up with a big smile on his face this morning. At last! I had the chores done and shortly after breakfast and the shave, friend Steve called-do you feel like a ride? You Bet! Off to town the three of us were-took a big adventure to the CASINO! We enjoyed the people, the food, the visit, and the ride tremendously. MY sweet partner did his best to keep up with the visiting, and saw old friends there as well. I must admit, I was afraid that the big black cloud would pop up at any minute, but it didn't. We took a quick run around the grocery store to stock up, emptied out our full mailbox and are prepared if we have more bad days, but perhpas the root of our problems was, in fact the nicotine withdrawl. Friend Will was at home waiting for our return, and will start on the deck and ramp for the front of the house this weekend. as well Veronica's kids are going to stack the remainder of the hay in the little barn for me. Will is going to put windows on the barn-one thing we never got finished and we'll hang the big door on the east again. All set-then it can snow. Mama llama is so much better, and the vet bill wasn't staggering so that is good. The triplets are keeping up very well, and their sweet mother can surely count to three. THe clouds really parted today and all was well-thank you one and all!

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