Monday, October 15, 2007

When will we.............

Seems like so much time is spent waiting for things to happen-got all the hay stacked but what the kids are going to put in the barn-but now we have to wait for that for a few days for the kids to get out of school again. Too wet on Sunday morning-no kids on Sunday afternoon. I'm looking ofrward to the ramp and deck on the south side of the house-no builder yet-just came to measure and disappeared. NOw-with what I can make happen the story isn't much better- neeed to get our fence finished and the barn cleaned out and the garden fixed up for next spring. Yes, there will be a next spring. Okay, okay-we'll report again tomorrow perhaps with some progress.

THe neighborhood was struck with tragedy with the loss of Pete, Mary dad, Cinnamon's dad, Mary's Grandad-perhaps Cinnamon's grandad-loved by all and a llama for all seasons. THe wild dogs got to him, and in spite of brave efforts to distract them, they were killers. Such a sad story and such a tragic waste. Our barn was somber upon hearing the news, and Mary twitched her nose as Cinnamon hummed. THey blinked back tears. He bravely defended his family, as Cinnamon had done when faced with similar circumstances with the pit bulls. He taught her well and gave his life for his family. Llama are becoming high on my list of loves. I'm trying to find some info on the net about them-all I have found so far are people trying to sell something- Cinnamon and Mary are delightful, very polite and mannered with Mary becoming more curious every day. SHe lets me touch her now-but not with anyone else around. She gave Rasty the once over today-nut sure about him at all but he seemed to enjoy seeing her. He rarely goes to the barn with me anymore, but enjoyed it today.

We are loosing ground fast there-his walk is no longer the shuffle but more of a kind of short step falling forward motion-seems like just in the last week. He has trouble getting to the bathroom in time, and almost always heads outside to go in the day time. He still wants to go home at night, but seems to not mind as much when I suggest we stay here for the night. He rarely mentions anyone by name anymore, and hasn't asked where his mother is this week. He is not as cranky and hasn't picked up any pieces of wood to use and hasn't thrown anything-I'm hoping the violence and cranky was directly related to the copenhagen withdrawl, in which case I completely understand. Every time I quit smoking I became a danger to myself or other people. Every other night he sleeps only a short time, gets up and wanders around and goes back to bed. TOnight is one of those nights, but last night was a good night. I'm giving him 9 drops twice a day now-quit the noon drops when he became less angry. Tried to get him to oil leather for me today, but he couldn't concentrate enough to do it-a few weeks ago he would work hard to get his boots oiled. It will be helpful when the home health people come as they will be better at evaluating him weekly. He still is happy to see company and tries hard to rise to the occasion-for that I am so thankful-and for the fact that we still have company on occasion. THey are my lifeline. I have three lifelines, the telephone, company, and the library. Soon I'll add ebay-very very soon. I'm working on my new line of earrings and will do a giant listing. GOnna be fun! Enough now- to bed for a few minutes.

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