Friday, October 5, 2007

here we are

Another day beginning-the week is nearly over and little has been accomplished-but not without much trying. THe days are turning into "that other seeason" quickly, and the leaves are falling, but their splendor has been mighty. Sunday b rought me a cira-baby lama- she is beautiful when only viewed from a distance-Thursday brought pit bulls attacking her, and at last they came into the corral-with help from stepson and husband-who highjacked the pickup with the keys left inside. Thought the pit bulls had gotten mamalama only to find out that she had a very difficult time in childbirth-she is now at the doctors office with the baby and we are praying for her recovery.

THe week was spent mostly dodging articles being tossed my way- minimal cleaning and a few loads of laundry. I did do some beadwork and used the new photo studio to take great pictures for ebay. It is wonderful to use, and the lighting can be arranged so well with it-still learning and experimenting. Nearly ready to sell again.

THe help from the children seems to be working well-they have one week to make excuses and 6 weeks to think of new excuses-it has been forsaken but the brightspot has to be the newest family member-Bridgett-who brought sunshine, smiles and a wonderful dinner. She shared with us the story of the love of her parents and her marvelous multicultural upbringing-what an asset to us all.

Friends have been wonderful-Steve, Shelly, Dion and Veronica have all come through with sunshine and friendship-renews faith. I have found that those people who carry around "Christian" signs need to carry those signs so they can be recognized.

As for my partner, this week has been spent in trying to rearrange and locate things. Seems to be getting ready to go to cowcamp for the fall. The big worry is that he has difficulty in locating the bathroom at night-I must sleep with one eye open to direct him there and back to bed when he awakens. Nouns are becoming a thing of the past. He is still walking pretty well, but unable to keep a thought long enough to execute it. He was going to do dishes for me, and by the time he got his sleeves roled up he had forgottten the mission-just as well I guess. THe bright spot, if there is one, is that he isn't calling for the children as much as he was -he used to call each one by name every morning and wonder where they were-now just occasionally. I reassure him that they are busy and will be home when they can. How very sad.

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